Monday, July 7, 2014

Yellowstone Take Two - Day Eleven

This morning we hit the dusty trail at 0530. Our mission, go find wildlife in Lamar Valley of Yellowstone Park. As we entered the park the sky was beginning to show the pale shades of dawn. We had clear skies and the park to ourselves. 
We immediately saw a wapiti and then started seeing several bison all before getting to Lamar Valley. Upon rounding a bend we encountered two adult bison sauntering down the middle of the road. We stopped the family truckster and watched them amble by within inches. And no, I did not try to pet them....
As we entered Lamar Valley we encountered bison, pronghorn, and whitetail deer.  There was herd upon herd of bison with their young calves kicking up their heels and running around   Most of the adult bison were grazing or taking a siesta. 

The two animals we did not encounter were bears and wolves. There are three packs of wolves that live within Yellowstone and of course the park definitely has bears .... Hey Yogi!  ;o)

After driving through the valley we had breakfast at Roosevelt Lodge. And man it was good!

We hopped back in the truckster and headed for the Upper and Lower Falls on the Yellowstone River.  The views were incredible. The sides of the canyon have active thermal vents that are marked by different colors. The colors come from the chemical compounds in the soil while others come from microorganisms known as thermolytes. 

It was a great day in the park. Tomorrow we are driving back through Yellowstone and headed for Moran, WY. 

Thanks for reading and have a good night. :D

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