Sunday, July 6, 2014

Yellowstone! - Day Ten

We made it to West Yellowstone today!  Departed Missoula, MT this morning and drove straight here. The scenery along the way consisted of snow capped mountains, mountain streams and lush valleys. 
Once we arrived here at West Yellowstone we checked into our hotel and found a bite to eat. Then it was on to the park. 
Clear mountain streams gurgling along the side of the road along with steam vents, geysers and bubbling mud pits that showcase the wild beauty of this land. 
We saw a herd of bison sauntering along and grazing beside a stream. We then stopped at lower geyser and walked around pools of bubbling water that had blue centers and orange edges. As the steam surrounded us our senses were inundated with s strong sulphur odor.  After walking through the lower geyser basin we then stopped at the middle geyser basin. Again pools a turquoise blue accented with bright orange made for an amazing visual display. 
We ended our geyser tour at Old Faithful ( side note, apparently not as faithful as it once was.... ). However it was a wonderful experience to sit and watch this iconic geyser blast columns of water 
upward and then turn to steam. Afterwards we strolled around numerous geysers that were in all kinds of shapes.
On our drive out we then saw a herd of elk ( wapiti ) and I was able to listen to their vocalizations as we watched them from the side of the road. 
Continuing on our drive out of the park we watched several moose eating alongside a stream and a deer wading across an icy brook. 
As we headed west the sun was just beginning to settle behind the mountains. Low lying clouds were underlit with oranges and pinks against a blue sky. 
No pictures tonight but I will be putting a digital album together and share it with you in the next week or so.
Have to sign off and get to bed. We are leaving at 0530 to try and view more wildlife. We are hoping to see bear and wolves. 

Good night folks!

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