Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day 9 - Norfolk Zoo and on to Hickory, NC

Today we woke up (big plus) and decided to head to the zoo. So a little background info for my dear readers. John and I lived in Newport News, VA for approximately 18 months while he was assigned to Ft. Eustis. We took day trips on some of the weekends and one of them was over to the Norfolk Zoo.  One of the exhibits at the zoo was a pair of sibling Siberian Tigers. They were hand raised as cubs by one of the zookeepers. These two cubs would play with the zookeepers children and chase them as the kids would ride their bikes. So, the tiger cubs grew up being fascinated by wheels. Stick with me....
During our visit 19 years ago as I rounded the corner into the tiger exhibit I came face to face with one of those adult tigers. As soon as he saw me in my wheelchair he lunged forward and hit the piano wire mesh in front of me. Growling and standing on his back legs he was a mighty sight!  The lady who had raised them was there and explained his background. That day I got to play with a tiger. I would push around to the plexiglass viewing area and he would race over to it. As I approached the rock ledge I could see the tips of his ears laced back as he crouched behind the rock. When I would get to the edge he would leap at the glass. 
In the 19 years since, the Norfolk Zoo has made a lot of improvements to their exhibits and if you are in the area you should give it a try. It really is a fun little zoo. 
Unfortunately, my Siberian Tigers are no longer at this zoo. They have been sent out to other zoos for breeding purposes. But we still had a great time walking through the zoo and reminiscing about our visit all those many years ago.   

As day fades to darkness we are on
I-40 headed to our evening destination of Hickory, NC. Tomorrow we will be home. And oh how I love home!  
Have a good night folks and thanks for reading!

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