Friday, June 27, 2014

Holiday Road - Day One of WestFest 2014

Family and friends you are invited to follow along with us on the WestFest 2014. 
It's a 17 day road trip covering over 5,000 miles.  The goal have fun and spend time with our dear friends Cynthia and Curtis. 
We left Huntsville this afternoon and we have made our first stop for the night in Marion, IL. 
Below is a map of our projected routes and we are so excited!!

It has been a dream of mine since I was young to visit the Badlands of the Dakotas, Glacier National Park in Montana, Devil's Tower in Wyoming, and of course Yellowstone. 
I had the luxury of growing up in rural South Texas on a farm. Wide open spaces were my backyard and my imagination was the only limiting factor. 
I read books all the time and was transported from the sorghum and cotton fields of South Texas to these equally majestic faraway places. 

Let me introduce you to my fellow road trippers. 

Cynthia and Curtis

Me and John

So please join me on the adventure of a lifetime. :D

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